Διαγωνισμός Σχεδίου Rugvista!


Abstract shapes από Geanina Zamfir-Feceoru-Cantemir



This carpet inspired by abstract shapes, with flowing lines and irregular geometric shapes, fits the best in a modern interior, minimalist. As the geometry won't be dry and mute, i've rounded the edges of the shapes and i've made the lines flowing through the center of the art composition.
It can be the centerpiece of the interior, the compositional center of the room.
Acest covor de inspiratie abstracta, cu linii fluide si forme geometrice neregulate, se potriveste intr-un interior modern, minimalist.Pentru ca geometria sa nu fie fada si muta, am rotunjit colturile formelor si am facut ca liniile sa curga prin centrul compozitiei artistice.
Poate fi piesa centrala a acelui interior, centrul compozitional al camerei.

Σχετικά Geanina Zamfir-Feceoru-Cantemir

My name is Geanina Cantemir, i am 30 years old and live in iasi, Romania.
I've followed Art Highschool and Art College, with textile art profile. Never deviating from my goal in life, to bring beauty in peoples home, everything i did, the studies that i followed, my jobs and my activities were related to art, bringing a little beauty into the lives of others. Currently i live in Iasi/Romania and work as a painter and graphic designer.
Ma numesc Geanina Cantemir, am 30 de ani si locuiesc in Iasi, Romania.
Am urmat Liceul de Arta si Facultatea de Arta, cu profilul arte textile. Nu am deviat niciodata de la telul meu in viata, acela de a aduce frumosul in casele oamenilor, tot ce am facut, studiile pe care le-am urmat, job-urile si activitatile pe care le-am avut au fost legate de arta, aducand putin frumos in vietile celorlalti. In prezent locuiesc in Iasi/Romania si lucrez ca artist plastic si graphic designer.

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Nikitas B.
Good quality in good prices and…
Good quality in good prices and consistency.
Βικεντία Κ.
My overall experience was very positive.
My overall experience was very positive. Additionally, the variety of choices is vast.
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Είναι η τέταρτη φορά που αγοράζω από το CarpetVista και είμαι ικανοποιημένη με όλες τις αγορές μου. Προτιμώ το κατάστημα αυτό διότι έχει προϊόντα πολύ καλής ποιότητας σε πολύ καλές τιμές, καθώς και καλές προσφορές. Επίσης, οι παραγγελίες μου παραδόθηκαν πάντα έγκαιρα. Για όλα αυτά το συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα σε όποιον ενδιαφέρεται ν' αγοράσει ένα ποιοτικό χαλί χωρίς να χρειαστεί να δαπανήσει μια περιουσία.
Μαρια Α.
Η ποιότητα ήταν η αναμενόμενη
Η ποιότητα ήταν η αναμενόμενη, έγκαιρος χρόνος παράδοσης. Είναι η δεύτερη αγορά που κάνω. Με ενόχλησε όμως αυτή τη φορά η μυρωδιά που είχε το κιλίμι, σαν κλειστή αποθήκη.
Dimitrios D.
A professional site, high quality carpets
Delivered on exact day at a perfect time. High quality carpets from a professional site. Thank you!

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