Διαγωνισμός Σχεδίου Rugvista!
Folklore από Angelina Peric
Traditional motif that could fit into every modern apartment. The design is aimed at those who like to have something in their environment that reminds them of the past times.
Tradicionalan motiv koji bi se sjajno uklopio u svaki moderan stan. Dizajn je namenjen onima koji u svom okruzenju vole da poseduju nesto sto ih asocira na proslost.
Σχετικά Angelina Peric
Angelina Peric is a textile and pattern designer from Serbia. The focus of her work is on experimenting with linear shapes and floral motives.
Angelina Peric je dizejner tekstila iz Srbije. U fokusu njenog rada se nalaze linearni oblici i floralni motivi.