Διαγωνισμός Σχεδίου Rugvista!
Elegant από Angelina Peric
Plain and elegant design that could be matched with the contemporary interior. You can pick the darker version if you want to achieve something simple or the lighter one if you love to break the room with the colored details.
Sveden i elegantan dizajn lepo bi pristao uz moderan enterijer. Možete odabrati tamniju verziju ako naginjete ka svedenosti ili svetliji dizajn ako volite da razbijete prostor detaljima u boji.
Σχετικά Angelina Peric
Angelina Peric is a textile and pattern designer from Serbia. The focus of her work is on experimenting with linear shapes and floral motives.
Angelina Peric je dizejner tekstila iz Srbije. U fokusu njenog rada se nalaze linearni oblici i floralni motivi.